
A picture taken surreptitiously in New York City – why?

As I rest my head back, the battery-acid nasal drip just pours down my sinuses. Why?

Two questions, two answers, one opaque, another gross. Remember that story of the caver who fell into the Tiny Cave head-first and had to be left to die because he had positioned himself in such a way that getting out wasn’t neccesarily impossible, but potentially as deadly as that Little Finger of the Cave he thought would expand into the widest room in the entire system. A room full of real treasures, light yet Holy treasures that he could plan out over the years how to get after that one glimpse before the EMT-cavers pulled a miracle on the other end. I believe I read that they filled the cave with cement, to both honor and discourage other cavers from such a fate.

I say, let the cavers cave. They are Heroes to me. Men of impossibilities. Perhaps the opposite of how I feel towards the shit-snake Neon Dream of Evererest and similar climbs. How do I feel about Alex Hannold? Something about him intrigues me; I appreciate that he is a fellow diarist and wants to index his life and his achievements. I also find little *merit* to these climbing stunts; I see no art or even passion half the time. There are, of course, the celebratory/requisite five-minute celebrations by all the cameramen and crew and whatever at the end, after he did the impossible – with an almost *insulting* sense of shadow-autism: this is where a confusion of nerves is misdiagnosed within the autism class purely for the seemingly “dissociative” effect that one would find in both (and of course, many other) disorders. They have similar aesthetics, but I dont think Mr. Honnold has any eccentricities or matters of the soul that he is addressing with these Outrageous Climbs. I think he has a Special Brain that generally performs Unremarkable Tasks that generally make my Knuckles Act Up and I get a feeling in my stomach down to my groin. That last one is quite hard to explain.

I wish I could post photos in the current mode/place I am in. Tomorrow I will Break Bad and do a photos-only post, perhaps.

Goodnight, all!

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