Drink Harry Drink Harry Drink Harry Drink — some more!

I went to a clothes swap earlier - must have been the only straight guy there - it was a nice time. I couldn't help but notice that most of them had bad or unremarkable skin - sometimes you can't help it - other times it is the pernicious Call of Coke and Booze that dries 'em out as if to  be sold as beef jerkey in a couple weeks. I kid, I kid - most of them looked fine. My GF looked the hottest - she looked like she was the most Summerized already. 

A Poem – Untitled

by Ping Watt

chowder skies and polarize
the world is not a clown's eyes
but a hurling bag of coal
a chawing bag of Hell
left out to curl and write the Law
to ring that sudden bell
and to ride that random bull

Let’s see – what else is on the docket. I am compulsively buying Very Cheap DVDs as I have decided I like how they look on a 12″ screen. I think I may have gotten my girlfriend pregnant – again – the last time we had sex. I’m working on a lot of projects, including:

  • a 2xLP
  • a film
  • another film
  • two scripts
  • a rewrite of a 405-page book
  • get clean from my nasty habits
  • not get my girlfriend pregnant for like, a month or two.
  • have another boy, and by then I will know it is time for a Girl.

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